Monday, December 14, 2015

(Malaysian Queen of Pop) : Siti Nurhaliza - Cindai

Such a nice song. Whoaaa... but this song is "SUPER" difficult to translate because it is in pantun form (rhyming verses) and uses very old Malay language words, phrases and expressions.
Nooooo, I can't !!! Even original Malay peoples also not everyone can understand those old words meaning! I did the best I could but someone with a better grasp of old Malay language would probably do a much better job.
Some people believe this to be a 'haunted' song because 'Cindai' has two meanings, 1. Embroided silk, 2. A female ghost; as well as having some ghostly urban legends associated with it. 
Others feel the song is about a heavenly immortal princess longing for her mortal lover/husband. But at its heart, the song is about the sorrow of longing for something unattainable. 

Siti Nurhaliza - Cindai (Official Music Video - HD)

Cindailah mana tidak berkias
How is embroided silk not flowery
Jalinnya lalu rentah beribu
With its incricately linked stitches
Bagailah mana hendak berhias
How am I supposed to adorn myself
Cerminku retak seribu
With the mirror cracked into a thousand pieces

Mendendam unggas liar di hutan
Begrudge (the flight of) wild jungle birds
Jalan yang tinggal jangan berliku
For the final road may be tortuous
Tilamku emas cadarnya intan
Mattress of gold and bedsheet of diamond
Berbantal lengan tidurku
Yet I sleep with my arm as my pillow

Hias cempaka kenanga tepian
Adorn memory's edge with gardenia
Mekarnya kuntum nak idam kumbang
The blossoming bud dreams of a bee
Puas ku jaga si bunga impian
I took great care of my prized flower
Gugurnya sebelum berkembang
But it fell off before it could bloom

Hendaklah hendak hendak ku rasa
I do, do, do want to experience
Puncaknya gunung hendak ditawan
conquering the top of the mountain
Tidaklah tidak tidak ku daya
But I don't, don't, don't have the will
Tingginya tidak terlawan
Its height too much (for me) to fight

Janganlah jangan jangan ku hiba
I don't, don't, don't want to feel sorrow
Derita hati jangan dikenang
or to dwell on my heart's sufferings
Bukanlah bukan bukan ku pinta
I did not, did not, did not request
Merajuk bukan berpanjangan
for this prolonged broody feelings

Akar beringin tidak berbatas
The endless roots of the banyan tree
Cuma bersilang paut di tepi
Its tendrils crisscross at the side
Bidukku lilin layarnya kertas
With my boat made of wax and paper sail
Seberang laut berapi
How do I cross an ocean of fire

Gurindam lagu bergema takbir
Poetic songs echo like religious callings
Tiung bernyanyi pohonan jati
But it's just the mynah on a branch, singing
Bertanam tebu di pinggir bibir
I plant sugarcanes at the edge of my lips
Rebung berduri di hati
But bamboo shoots spike my heart

Laman memutih pawana menerpa
A breeze darts into vacant ground
Langit membiru awan bertali
Stringy clouds adorn the blue sky
Bukan dirintih pada siapa
I'm not pleading for someone to listen
Menunggu sinarkan kembali
I'm just waiting for the light to return

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