Monday, December 21, 2015

張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang - 童年 Childhood (1981)

 Hearing “Childhood” again, I feel all grown up — and eternally grateful that I can now call the song mine. As for the song,just brings back a lot of memory. It’s just that for me, it’s a song from my childhood that was lost and then found, and I don’t ever want to let it go again.

童年 (張艾嘉) 1981
作詞:羅大佑 作曲:羅大佑 編曲:羅大佑

池塘邊的榕樹上 知了在聲聲叫著夏天
High up the banyan trees along the side of ponds, cicadas were calling the summer with every sound
操場邊的鞦韆上 只有蝴蝶停在上面

On the swing sets along the exercise field, only butterflies still rested on the top 
黑板上老師的粉筆 還在拚命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停

On the blackboard, the pitter-patter of teacher’s chalk never ends.
等待著下課 等待著放學 等待遊戲的童年

Waiting for the end of class,  waiting for the end of school day, waiting for the games of childhood.

福利社裏面什麼都有 就是口袋裏沒有半毛錢

School’s store had everything, but there wasn’t 50 cents in the pocket
諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨 到底誰搶到那支寶劍

The four Zhu Ge lads and the Monster Gang, at the end who did grab that precious sword?
隔壁班的那個男孩 怎麼還沒經過我的窗前

That boy next door, why hasn’t he walked past my window yet?
嘴裏的零食 手裏的漫畫 心裏初戀的童年

The snacks in my mouth, the comics book in my hands, the childhood’s of first love in my heart.

總是要等到睡覺前 才知道功課只作了一點點

Always had to wait till before bedtime to know that the homework was just done a bit
總是要等到考試以後 才知道該唸的書都沒有唸

Always had to wait till after test to know that (I) did not read the books that were supposed to be read
一寸光陰一寸金 老師說過寸金難買寸光陰

One inch of time (is like) one inch of gold. Teachers said inch of gold can’t buy inch of time
一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年

One day after one day, one year after one year, such a dazed childhood

沒有人知道為什麼 太陽總下到山的那一邊

Nobody knew why the sun had to set to that side of the mountain
沒有人能夠告訴我 山裏面有沒有住著神仙

Nobody was able to tell me whether or not there were immortal beings live in the mountain
多少的日子裏 總是一個人面對著天空發呆

Every which day, there’s always somebody staring blankly into the sky.
就這麼好奇 就這麼幻想 這麼孤單的童年

Ever so curiously, ever so fantastic, so solitary of childhood.

陽光下蜻蜓飛過來 一片片綠油油的稻田

Dragonfly is flying across the green green field under the sunshine.
水彩蠟筆和萬花筒 畫不出天邊那一條彩虹

My watercolor, crayons and kaleidoscopes can't paint out the rainbow in the far away sky

When will I have a mature and grown face like the students in senior schoolmates?
盼望著假期 盼望著明天 盼望長大的童年

I'm expecting the vacations, expecting tomorrows, expecting to growing up during my childhood.
喔 ~ 一天又一天 一年又一年 盼望長大的童年

Oh, one day after one day, one year after one year, expecting to growing up in my childhood.

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