Wednesday, September 30, 2015

10 Reasons to Drink Coconut Water That You Probably Didn’t Know About

Coconut water, coconut milk and coconut oil are the products we often associate with palm trees and tropical climate. A lot has been written about coconut oil and its many health benefits as well as about coconut milk as a milk substitute, but now it’s time to focus on coconut water.
Coconut water is packed with nutrients that yield an array of health benefits. It is 95% water and is extracted from young coconuts. There is usually some soft meat on the inside walls of the coconut which you can happily spoon out and enjoy the jelly-like treat.
Drinking fresh coconut water was one of my favorite perks when visiting in Asia. I’ve soon learnt about different palm trees and different types of coconuts. Not every coconut is fit for drinking. It’s the immature green coconuts you want. Here are few benefits of drinking coconut water:
1. Prevents dehydration
Coconut water is great for rehydration: it’s refreshing, contains essential electrolytes, and is as close to sterile as you’ll get. It’s also ecological and a good alternative to bottled water, especially in places where you can’t drink tap water. Coconut water is a source of five important minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. It can be a particularly suitable drink after you’ve done some strenuous exercise. If you’ve sweated a lot, add a pinch of Himalayan salt to coconut water and make it even more worthwhile.
2. Fuels the brain and muscles
Coconut water contains 295 mg of potassium, which means that one cup of this tropical drink has more potassium than a banana. Potassium regulates heartbeat and muscle function. The electrolytes facilitate nervous system functioning and nerve transmission as well as better cognitive functioning. You can find here more tips on how to improve your brain function naturally.
3. Is anti-aging
Now you know why coconut water is popular with Holywood divas. It’s been dubbed ‘the secret fountain of youth’. It contains a group of plant hormones called cytokinins, which are involved in the growth, development and aging of a plant. According to Journal of Anti-aging medicine, cytokinins have an anti-aging effect on human cells too. They prevent cells from undergoing degenerative changes. Dr. Bruce Fife, the author of Coconut Water for Health and Healing, claims that this cell regulation process can help prevent cancer, as mistakes in the cell development don’t happen. Find here more foods that protect against cancer development.
4. Aids Digestion
Coconut water is a digestive tonic. It has been used to treat different tropical ailments, including stomach flu, dysentery,constipation and parasites. It helps with food absorption and improves digestion via its bioactive enzymes. But it can have a laxative effect, so think before you drink lots of it.  Peppermint and chamomile as well as other herbs can also improve your digestion – you can get more information in my e-book The Herbal Remedies Guide which will help you to discover how to use herbal remedies effectively to heal away disease and illness.
5. Supports immune function
Coconut water boosts the immune system and helps fight infections. It contains Lauric acid – a medium-chain fatty acid -and is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Three in one. Lauric acid has been found to be effective in treating candida albicans and fungal infections, hepatitis C, herpes and HIV. You can find more natural substances to improve your immune system in my previous article.
6. Benefits the heart and urinary tract
High levels of potassium in coconut water help prevent heart attacks and lower blood pressure. 71 percent of people who regularly drank coconut water, reduced their blood pressure through this practice. Coconut water can also help with kidney stones and is a diuretic. A hospital in the Philippines tried giving their urology patients coconut water two to three times a week. The result? Their kidney stones reduced in size and some didn’t need the surgery any longer. Certain types of berries can also be used effectively to fight urinary tract infection and you can read about them in my e-book  The Healing Berry Guide which will show you how to transform your health with berries.
7. Is rich in natural vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients Coconut water contains a lot of B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, such as zinc, selenium, iodine and sulphur. It is an antioxidant and fights free radicals which cause many diseases, including cancer.
8. Is a low calorie drink
If you drink coconut water straight from the coconut, the caloric value is rather low – 46 calories per cup. Coconut water has a fifth of the sugar of some other fruit juices, but is still naturally pleasantly sweet – especially if you pick the right fruit. Still, one cup contains 6.3 grams of sugars, which is rather high. Also, some coconut-based drinks that are sold in the shops can have sugar added to them, so check the label if you’re worried about the sugar content. Overall, coconut water is a good alternative to high-calorie commercial drinks and can help you lose weight, as you’ll be consuming fewer calories than if you’d be drinking flavored sodas.
9. Alkalizes the body
If you are trying to alkalize your body, coconut water might be the perfect drink. It brings the pH of your body fluids down and can make you less acidic- thus less prone to diseases – in this increasingly acidic world.
10. Improves blood circulation
Coconut water has been used as a heart tonic. It strengthens the heart, reduces bad cholesterol levels, and prevents blood clot formation. This lowers your risk of heart attack and stroke. By improving blood circulation, coconut water also benefits diabetic patients and prevents complications that are related to poor blood flow, such as foot numbness and loss of vision. What’s more, coconut water is so similar to blood plasma in its chemical makeup it can help save lives. According to the UN, it has been used for emergency transfusions during wars and disasters – straight from the nut into the veins of wounded people.
As always, moderation applies. Although coconut water is very good for you, you don’t want to be overdoing it. Some sources warn it is rich in sugars and saturated fats, so you don’t want to be gulping it down in unrestricted quantities, or you might end up putting on weight. However, in moderation, coconut water should help you stay healthy, young and fit.

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